703A, 199 Jinwan Road,Pudong New Area, 201206, Shanghai, China
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  • 2024-06-18       Log Washer to Go
  • Aggregate washing is an important process used in many industries, such as construction, mining, and quarrying. This process is used to remove dirt and other impurities from aggregates such as rocks, gravel, and sand. By removing these unwan...

  • 2024-06-05       Skid Steer Loaders to Ecuador
  • Four Sinoway skid steer loaders are ready for loading at Shanghai port in the early of June. They will deliver to client after 45 days later. Sinoway skid steer loader is equipped with reliable Yanmar engine, wheeled traveling mechanism, all...

  • 2024-05-16       Compact Loaders to South America
  • Wheel loader is a construction vehicle with a scoop attached to an articulated arm that is used to dig and load soil, rocks, sand, and debris onto another type of heavy equipment. Sinoway SWL20F compact wheel loader is kinds of small loader...

  • 2024-05-06       SWIC320 Tow Behind Compactor Roller For Iraq
  • The impact rollers, also referred to as an impact compactors, earthwork compactors, or impact compaction rollers, are a modern type of towed roller used in construction, landfill, land reclamation mining industry. It is towed behind a tracto...

  • 2024-04-15       Jack-Up Spud Barge Delivered Again
  • A jack-up platform is an offshore structure which consists of a buoyant hull fitted with four moveable legs which are capable of raising the hull above the surface of the sea when it arrives on working location. Generally, jack-up barges and...